Thursday, December 24, 2020

Speed up insert of billions of rows into tables using dbms_parallel_execute

I have written an earlier example of how to delete millions of rows as part of a complex delete procedure. You can check it out here.  
A decade later, I was tasked to do a POC with Oracle InMemory with billions of rows.
I needed to generate rows to simulate sensor data. 
The simulation is to create data for every minute of sensor. that would mean, for one sensor, the data generated in a year is 60 minutes * 24 hours * 365 days. 

To speedup the process, I did use FORALL bulk options and could reduce the performance by 50%. However, I did not spend time looking at how I could do this using  as " Create Table As Select" (CTAS)  which is  much more efficient.  

Below is the full code used to generate billions of rows. You can use similar framework to complete tasks in parallel.

1) Create sensor_data table.

drop table sensor_data purge; 
create table sensor_data (
 sensor_id number ,
 time_id date,
 temprature number )

2) create a procedure to insert data for the year for the given sensor_id. You might have to grant these privileges below as well. 

 exec DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.drop_task('test_task');
 grant select on sensor_data to public;

create or replace PROCEDURE parallel_DML_PO (p_start_id IN NUMBER, p_end_id IN NUMBER) AS
p_array_size number := 1440;
type array is table of number;
l_data ARRAY;
cursor c is select rownum seq_no from dual connect by rownum <= p_array_size;
cnt number;
    -- Insert in parallel for given sensor_id range
       for i in p_start_id..p_end_id loop
          for j in 1..365 loop
          open c;
          fetch c bulk collect into l_data limit p_array_size;
          forall k IN 1 .. l_data.count
          insert into sensor_data(sensor_id,time_id,temprature) values (i,   to_date('2019-01-01','YYYY-MM-DD') + j + l_data(k)/1440,
          round( 60 + 20*sin (trunc(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(0, 100)))
          +  15*sin(2*(22/7)/j*trunc(i))
          +  10*sin(2*(22/7)/l_data(k)*mod(i,1440)/1440)*(1 + trunc(DBMS_RANDOM.VALUE(0, 100)))/2000,2));
          exit when c%notfound;
         end loop;
      close c;   
      end loop;
   end loop;

end  parallel_DML_PO;

3)  create a table to store all the sensor_id. DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE procedure will pick chunks from this table to execute the above procedure in parallel.   For this example, I have created 200 sensor_id. -- So the total rows should be (200 * 60 * 24 * 365 = 105120000) 105M.

drop table po_parallel purge;
create table po_parallel nologging as
SELECT Level AS sensor_id FROM Dual  CONNECT BY Level <= 200 ;

4) Run the procedure in parallel.

  l_task     VARCHAR2(30) := 'test_task';
  l_sql_stmt VARCHAR2(32767);
  l_try      NUMBER;
  l_status   NUMBER;
   -- create a task
  DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.create_task (task_name => l_task);
   -- point to key column and set batch size
(task_name    => l_task,
table_owner  => 'SSB',
table_name   => 'PO_PARALLEL',
table_column => 'SENSOR_ID',
chunk_size   => 20);

l_sql_stmt := 'BEGIN parallel_DML_PO(:start_id, :end_id); END;';

   -- run task in parallel
                                 sql_stmt  =>l_sql_stmt,
                                 language_flag => DBMS_SQL.NATIVE,
                                 parallel_level=> 10);

  -- If there is error, RESUME it for at most 2 times.
  l_try := 0;
  l_status := DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.task_status(l_task);
  WHILE(l_try < 2 and l_status != DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.FINISHED)
    l_try := l_try + 1;
    l_status := DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE.task_status(l_task);


 to monitor the progress seechunk_id, status, start_id, end_id
SELECT chunk_id, status, start_id, end_id
FROM   user_parallel_execute_chunks
WHERE  task_name = 'test_task'
ORDER BY chunk_id;

Once the job is complete you can drop the task, which will drop the associated chunk information also.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Oracle Architecture for Application Modernization



It is common to see software and hardware platforms evolve over time to be more efficient and performant at lower cost. Deployment environments using Hardware and software frameworks like Kubernetes and Docker are taking away market share from traditional Virtual Images and standalone servers.
In terms of development paradigm, Organizations are moving from Monolithic Application architecture to MicroServices and CICD ( Continuous Integration Continuous Deployments ) delivery models.
In terms of Datatype, the adoption of multiple formats like XML, JSON, Relational tables, Text docs, Spacial, Big Data , IOTs and NOSQL are getting popular.
With the proliferation of multiple players, we see (a) a plethora of data formats such as XML, JSON,(b)Data storage formats such as Spatial,  
These modern approaches  are  mushrooming because it is easy to setup and accessible due to Cloud providers who readily provide the platform services.
However, this phenomenon has led to multiple issues and inefficiencies, which i want to address in this blog.

We have witnessed in several customer scenarios, where the DBA is not involved in the design of the modern application. While DevOps attempts to break the silos between development and operations, there is a dire need to bring developers and DBAs together.

In a customer environment with  multiple  services dependent on heterogeneous "single trick pony" databases, these are the key problems that surface.

  • High Total Cost of Ownership.
  • Challenges in assuring High Availability, Security, Elasticity and Performance.
  • Need for practitioners proficient in multiple  technology for data store.
  • Cumbersome and time consuming mechanism  to move data across data stores.
  • Inability to leverage existing DBA capability in the organization.
  • Unproven technical support for mission critical production systems.


In line with the evolution of  modern application architectures, Oracle has ensured continuous innovation to be ahead of the curve. Oracle provides a solution architecture that is agnostic of development environment and data representation format. 
This is where Oracle Database Multitenant and DB features comes into play. Oracle DB has the a native capability to support all the Modern representation formats like JSON, XML, Big data format like parquet files, Text docs, Spatial, etc. 
Consolidating the data store, helps us clearly establish the segregation of responsibilities for developers & DBAs, thereby enabling the DBA to focus on  assuring database Reliability, Scalability, Availability and Security.

Oracle Pluggable database (PDB) provides an elegant model that 
  • can establish either "one to one" OR "consolidated" mapping for micro services in containerized environments
  • can facilitate automated provisioning   of instances for developers
  • helps Developers build solutions with confidence & with the assurance of Reliable data store
  • can autoscale upto 4000 instances in a cost efficient manner
  • provides a flexible model where in one can either isolate or aggregate the instances depending on the need.

Solution Use case :  The  use case below clearly illustrates the possibility of achieving  a High availability architecture at all levels of the solution stack. 
  • Kubernetes in a docker container environment managed by Developers
  • Backend Oracle managed by DBAs

Some of the key benefits are

  • Cost effective deployment with Multitenant Model.
  • Built in solution model that addresses all the requirements needed for highly reliable and secure systems. 
  • Leverage and upskill existing talent pool
  • Converged data eccentricity provides an efficient and salable model than a discrete and dispersed model.
  • Gather insights utilizing Machine Learning,  Elasticity with Auto scaling, Visualization with Spatial & Graph capability
  • Proven and time test model for supporting mission critical systems.
Oracle has been investing heavily to be a dominant Cloud Provider and has many data-centers worldwide and rapidly growing.  We have adopted cloud native architecture solutions based on Oracle Container engine for Kubernetes (OKE). We would be happy to engage in further conversations to address your unique needs.