I had tried to show something like guage in sqlplus using RPAD trick.
Howevere, if you are running the query in sql*developer , using GUAGE will be a good way to display the graph.
below is the output in sql*developer and sqlplus.
Sql*Developer OUTPUT |
select name,con_id, bufferCache_MB, 'SQLDEV:GAUGE:0:100:0:100:' ||PCT as PCT from ( SELECT NVL(pdb.name,'CDB') name,b.con_id, ROUND(b.subtotal * (SELECT value FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE name = 'db_block_size' ) /(1024 *1024)) bufferCache_MB, ROUND(b.subtotal /b.total * 100) PCT, rpad('*',ROUND(b.subtotal/b.total * 100),'*') PCT_BARCHART FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT a.* FROM (SELECT con_id, COUNT(*) over (partition BY con_id ) subtotal , COUNT(*) over () total FROM sys.gv$bh ) a )b, v$pdbs pdb where b.con_id=pdb.con_id(+) ORDER BY con_id); |
Sqlplus Output |
col PCT_BARCHART format a30
set linesize 200
col name format a10
col con_id format 99
col PCT format 999
SELECT NVL(pdb.name,'CDB') name,b.con_id,
ROUND(b.subtotal *
(SELECT value FROM V$PARAMETER WHERE name = 'db_block_size'
) /(1024 *1024)) bufferCache_MB,
ROUND(b.subtotal /b.total * 100) PCT,
rpad('*',ROUND(b.subtotal/b.total * 100),'*') PCT_BARCHART
(SELECT con_id,
COUNT(*) over (partition BY con_id ) subtotal ,
COUNT(*) over () total
FROM sys.gv$bh
) a
)b, v$pdbs pdb
where b.con_id=pdb.con_id(+)
ORDER BY con_id;
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